Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wow.....I almost forgot about my blog it's been soooooo long.
A lot has changed since I last posted.
My daughter was born May 21st, 2009. She is a beautiful and perfect little lady. She is vacationing in California w/ her mother for the week and I miss them both. It's been a very quiet week.

Now, since I was on my own, I had all sorts of plans to get lots done.
Well that didn't actually work out too well. I was tired and lazy. I bought some bitz off of ebay to work on some future projects that are long down the road. I did get done:

1 blood crusher w/ rider - complete
1 blood crusher w/ champion - complete
2 blood crushers minus riders - complete
2 blood crushers - assembled
1 daemon prince - converted and complete
1 pre-heresy world eater - complete

over that past month and a half, I have been working on my Vostroyan army and painted up a bunch of tanks, a couple of transports and a few more hq. Looking forward to working on my Valkyrie and heavy mortars (ork lobbas).

I don't have much time, but I am trying to use it wisely. Pictures to come :)