Monday, October 26, 2009

sorta better

try again

why do my pictures get cut in half??

new stuff

chapter master Jaxon of the Flesh Tearers

death company

assault squad

baal predator

Friday, September 25, 2009

I made a decision (I think)

Ok, so I think that I made a decision and here is my thought process

this is what I have playable right now:

Iron Warriors

I could finish up my iron warriors, but that is mostly just touching up and basing, maybe a little highlighting.

I should have close to 2000 pts worth of daemons totally done.

I have 2000 pts worth of the doublewing, and 30 or so more bikes just sitting around that need to be painted.

My Vostroyans could use some more infantry and the other 2 chimeras done also.

The problem is, I don't really want to paint up any of them

So, I will start on something else.

I think that I have decided:

Flesh Tearers!!

I seperated out my stuff last night. This is what I am going to be starting with:

Dante - Chapter Master Jaxon of the Flesh Tearers
Brother Corbulo - Brother Cameron
Death Company Dreadnought - Brother Roan
5 man assault squad w/ jumppacks
5 man assault squad w/o jumppacks in rhino
10 man tactical squad w/ heavy weapons
5 man death company in rhino
2 baal predators

that's 2 hq's, 2 elites, 3 troops and 2 heavies.

Should be close to 1000 pts, although it is a little top heavy (300 pts in hq).

I will get started this weekend and should have pictures on tuesday.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ok, so it's been awhile since I posted anything. Not much has changed, life is very, very hectic. The baby is a baby still and takes up most of my time at night. Work is crazy. Basketball and softball on the weekends. Just not much extra time.

So, I needed motivation to paint my stuff and I think that I found it.

This is a forum that I recently joined. It covers Utah, Arizona, Nevada & California. Our gaming group has spread out and we have lost touch w/ some of our old members and this has been a good tool to reconnect.

I posted something in the 40K section about a painting challenge and got a response from the Lord of Excess himself. I was happy to hear from Larry again and miss the friday nights at the garage.

Larry is up to the challenge and even offered to double my painting total. We agreed on 500 pts for the first month. We start October 1st.

Now, here is were it gets tough - what army to choose??

I have been collecting/playing 40K since 1999 and over those years, I have gone through a bunch of armies:
orks (completely painted)
khorne chaos
flesh tearers
cadians (completely painted)
grey knights (completely painted)
deathwing/ravenwing (completely painted) - current
iron warriors (mostly painted) - current
slaanesh - current
vostroyans (mostly painted) - current
sisters again
eldar - current
dark eldar - current
pre-heresy world eaters - current
black legion - current
daemons (mostly painted) - current
dark angels - current
word bearers - current
chaos guard
more guard - current
flesh tearers (again)
space wolves

so, I have gone through mostly everything at one time or another it would seem.

I recently read some of the black library books so am considering either word bearers or soul drinkers. I also have a few ideas for my other guard stuff and salamanders. Flesh tearers would probably be the easiest of them all and I just managed to get a bunch (50+) oop and hard to find flesh tearer shoulder pads. Space wolves would be a good choice also, but they will be the flavor of the month in a week or so (but the models do look very nice).

I have a difficult choice to make.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wow.....I almost forgot about my blog it's been soooooo long.
A lot has changed since I last posted.
My daughter was born May 21st, 2009. She is a beautiful and perfect little lady. She is vacationing in California w/ her mother for the week and I miss them both. It's been a very quiet week.

Now, since I was on my own, I had all sorts of plans to get lots done.
Well that didn't actually work out too well. I was tired and lazy. I bought some bitz off of ebay to work on some future projects that are long down the road. I did get done:

1 blood crusher w/ rider - complete
1 blood crusher w/ champion - complete
2 blood crushers minus riders - complete
2 blood crushers - assembled
1 daemon prince - converted and complete
1 pre-heresy world eater - complete

over that past month and a half, I have been working on my Vostroyan army and painted up a bunch of tanks, a couple of transports and a few more hq. Looking forward to working on my Valkyrie and heavy mortars (ork lobbas).

I don't have much time, but I am trying to use it wisely. Pictures to come :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I've been very busy over the past couple of weeks. Work is busy and I am tired by the time I get home. I have been painting, but it's been the nursery :)
It is really weird, I have a lilac colored room in my house........I guess it is really real now and I am getting excited. I did manage to get a few pictures of my latest projects

Friday, February 6, 2009

Last night

Well, last night wasn't too bad. We actually had a nice time and I was home in bed early. The baby wasn't to sure about the load music and was kicking constantly, but other than that it was fun. We had good food (BLT Burger in the Mirage) and Love was entertaining. Would have been pissed if I had paid for it, but free is free.

Didn't get a chance to paint anything last night. I am hoping to get an hour or 2 of painting in tonight before I have to go bowling, but we will see. I am holding out hope for doing some stuff this weekend. I wonder if this is going to be a theme??

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I was hoping I could get some painting in tonight since I really haven't worked on anything since Sunday, but I forgot that we are going to see Cirque de Soleil tonight.......not real excited about it. I'm tired and would prefer to call it an early night. Oh well. Danielle seems excited about it so that's what really counts. I should have pictures tomorrow of my daemons and what I'm working on.

this is a close-up of my standard bearer........just a test model w/ a wash

so, here is some of my pictures. these are my beloved vostroyans. i have been working on them since sometime in 2007. i can't believe it's been that long. 2008 went by very, very quickly. i still have a bunch more to do in anticipation of the upcoming imperial guard codex (may hopefully), may is going to be a busy month. New terminator movie, new baby and new IG codex. Don't know which one I am more excited for (ha ha....just kidding baby). i need to repaint my tank, finish up my other 2 tanks, chimeras and sentinels. I am a little more motivated to paint recently. I got a bunch of daemons done (pictures tomorrow), a squad of crimson fists (that I am not really happy with) and base coat done on my emperor's children force :)

Some of my stuff

I am hoping that by posting some of my thought and pictures, I will be motivated to keep going with my painting. I really enjoy painting, but I don't have as much time as I use to for some odd reason. My extra time is probably not going to last forever since we are expecting our first child. I am very excited about this and have a ton of stuff to do, that I am not too excited about. But, we figure if we are not ready now, we never will be. May will be here soon enough, since the past six months have flown by.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My picture

The profile picture is my first dice of the 2006 LV Grand Tournament. I was in the back on the lava board (difficult terrain) and scout moved my ravenwing bikes before the game. That was 4 out of my first 7 dice. I lost 4 bikes before I even started the game (I took the attack bike off by mistake - 2 wounds). The weekend really didn't get much better from there at least results wise. I did have a good time though.

First post

Just a quick note to say I to am starting a blog........I love reading them, so I might as well try my hand at one too. Hopefully I will stay with this longer than all the other projects I have started :(